After two weeks of messing with this, I still can't get consistent function from the webcam with any software. I've tried motion, mplayer, vlc, and webcam so far. I have managed to get a few successful image captures from motion, but it mostly just complains about not being able to connect to the camera and other complainy stuff.
I'd like to see them get better OOTB support for webcams on the platform... it was actually easier to write my own webserver for the pi (which I did last week, complete with CGI support!) than to get the stupid camera to work.
Most of my time has been spent with motion, which a co-worker has running on an Ubuntu box at work 24-7. I've been through every darned setting in the massive config file like 8 times and can get different (wrong) behavior, but none of it amounts to streaming video or even functioning snapshot capture.
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